How do you increase the delivery rate of your WhatsApp messages

When you send messages to your Whatsapp broadcast list you will notice that not everyone will receive the message.

How do you increase the delivery rate of your WhatsApp Messages?

1. Increase the inbound messages by running ads on Facebook and Instagram and direct them to your WhatsApp. So that those that are interested in your your products and services will contact you.

Inbound messages are messages that other people send to you while outbound messages are messages that you send to other people.

When you are the only one sending messages and the other people are not sending messages to you or replying to you, WhatsApp will take it as spam so they reduce your delivery rate.

2. When you post on your status allow your viewers to reply to your messages by giving them opportunity to reply to your status.

For example you can ask them if you are interested reply INTERESTED by them sending those messages to you, it will increase your inbound messages and eventually increase your delivery rate.

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